Tuesday 27 September 2016

Different types of old school animation

Zoe is a pre film animation which is produced by a motion of illusion which displays which contains a sequence of drawing or photos.

The phenakistoscope was a animation device that used the persistance of vision which creates the illusion of motion.

hhThe kinetoscope is a type of motion-picture film projector which was made by the inventor Thomas A. Edison and William Dickson in 1891. Whoevever peeped through the machine can watch the animation from a looking down angle..

The mutoscope is an early type of motion picture device. The inventor of this was Winsor McCay on Novermber 21 1894 like the Kinetoscope only one person can view the animation at a time. 

1 comment:

  1. Dan - you have covered what was required on discussing examples of early animation devices; shown relvant images and moving image sequences and added written details in your own words. Watch out for spelling mistakes and factual details, such as Zoe instead of Zoetrope. Aim for a more detailed discussion of each example.
